Body work gets you back on your feet—and keeps you there.

This is where REV is a little different. We are in constant communication during training, and can adapt a workout at the first sign of trouble. We know when you need focused attention on a trouble spot to stop a problem in its tracks. When an area needs more focus, we’ll spend a rest day together on the massage table, to get you healed and back to training sooner. Unlike traditional Swedish Massage, body work is outcome based and often times multiple sessions are required to fully address the entirety of the issue(s) and restore tissue health. Sessions are often focused on addressing a specific issue like back pain, sprained ankle, whiplash or another acute/chronic problem. Once you feel whole and healthy again, you’re encouraged to schedule regular body work for maintenance and prevention.

Assess, don’t guess.

If you are coming to REV for body work you can expect 10-15 minutes of health history and intake on injury/specific issues followed by range of motion testing, postural assessment, tissue inspection, etc. We want to collect as much data as we can before you get on the table, so we can maximize the time in your tissue.

If you are using REV for massage for general health, wellness, & maintenance, intake is much shorter. We can get you on the table sooner, as there are no specific issues to assess.